Migrasi Sebagian!

Saya batasi blog ini khusus yang berbahasa Indonesia saja, sedangan di blog yang satunya dalam bahasa Inggris yang awalnya saya buat untuk syarat ikutan kontribusi nulis di Travelicious.world.

Jadi...blog ini masih akan tetap hidup untuk share beberapa info yang gak cuma soal perjalanan.

Beberapa post tentang jurnal traveling saya pindahkan ke url baru:  http://lilitanurdiana.com

Thursday, May 28, 2015

How Scary Is A Cardiologist?

Today I was so terrified, finally I had courage to see a cardiologist!

I thought I would genetically have same heart problem after my grandma and my mom. Because on my EKG result of last December's medical check-up, I was suggested to see a cardiologist. Yeah I had about 5 months to build something which's called bravery! Lol.

After wasting my precious time for about 2.5 hours waiting for the missing doctor, well not really missing though, he was just lost among the other patients at the ER and ICU, I finally saw a real cardiologist face-to-face, for less than 5 minutes. What? 5 minutes, yes. A golden 5 minutes.

My heart was diagnosed as "excellent". Oh God...thanks! I love him, the cardiologist! He made my day.

Now I only have to pray there won't be any problem with my lab result after seeing the internist. They took my blood for some tests because my bronchitis wouldn't let me breathe normally for more than 3 months. 

But again, finally I don't have any heart disease. Even though my heart sometimes beats so fast uncontrollaby :) 😉

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Pulau Biawak

Well I planned to make a shared trip to Pulau Biawak last year, but it was forgotten because I was always cheap everytime a friend offered me to join any trip I was just swept away by it 😉

How to get there?
- Go to Indramayu by bus or train
- From there, rent a car to Karangsong Peer
- Rent a boat to Pulau Biawak, normally it needs around 3 hours to reach the island.

The island needs to be taken care really seriously because I could see the buildings weren't well-maintained while nowadays so many people would visit the island.

And one more thing, please bring along the raw foods because they only provide the stove and other kitchen tools. We need to cook by ourselves.

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Menggelap Di Belitung

Trip kali ini berhasil banget bikin saya geheng. Lebih parah dari trip Derawan dan Komodo. Tapi saya happy, jadi kulit menghitam ikhlas aja 😁

Wuki traveller berhasil bikin saya patah hati sesaat karena sebulan sebelum keberangkatan mereka info pembatalan trip karena gak kebagian seat pesawat. Tapi entah gimana saat seminggu sebelum keberangkatan mereka info masih ada sisa seat 1 lagi. Bingung kan? Saya yang sedang hampa kala itu karena long weekend belum ada plan ke mana-mana sehubungan pembatalan tersebut, langsung aja transfer dananya. Total 2,700,000 per paket sudah includes air tickets 😆

Berkali-kali saya batal ke Belitung karena kepentok jadwal dan lainnya. Syukurlah kali ini berhasil.

Hari pertama kami habiskan untuk city tour ke Kopi, Danau dan tempat-tempat bersejarah.

Di hari kedua kami explore area laut dan pantai. Pantainya lumayan masih bagus, tapi kalau underwaternya kurang ya, karena agak keruh juga, mungkin karena banyak kapal lalu-lalang.

Well, trip diakhiri dengan sumringah dan kenal teman baru yang lumayan banyak.

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