Migrasi Sebagian!

Saya batasi blog ini khusus yang berbahasa Indonesia saja, sedangan di blog yang satunya dalam bahasa Inggris yang awalnya saya buat untuk syarat ikutan kontribusi nulis di Travelicious.world.

Jadi...blog ini masih akan tetap hidup untuk share beberapa info yang gak cuma soal perjalanan.

Beberapa post tentang jurnal traveling saya pindahkan ke url baru:  http://lilitanurdiana.com

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How Old Am I ?

Still with the tagline taken from Green Day's song "Wake me up when September ends", I tried to keep my birthday uncovered because I don't really like celebration. 

But starting this year, my office's HR have been sticking the birthday name list on the wall of the elevators so that all people --including the suppliers-- might know the employees' birthdays.

Then my colleagues threw me a surprise party!!!

Well, blowing candles and slicing cakes are not my things, but what can I do? A show must go on. A birthday girl is a birthday girl.

Thanks to you guys and Ci Ratna, for the beautiful birthday cakes.