Saya batasi blog ini khusus yang berbahasa Indonesia saja, sedangan di blog yang satunya dalam bahasa Inggris yang awalnya saya buat untuk syarat ikutan kontribusi nulis di ini masih akan tetap hidup untuk share beberapa info yang gak cuma soal perjalanan.
Last year when I had Komodo Sailing Trip, actually I really wanted to continue exploring Flores but what could I do that I didn't have enough annual leave at that time.
Now, it's kind of a revenge! When Wuri of Wuki Traveller offered me an open trip, I just instantly accepted it.
The trip was started on October 14 from Labuan Bajo and it ended on October 17 at Ende with connecting flights through Denpasar, Bali.
Day 1:
Jakarta - Labuan Bajo, stay overnight
Day 2:
Early morning we headed to Denge Village in order to access Waerebo or Wae Rebo Village. After a 6-hour drive, we stopped by the lodge of Pak Blassius to get guidance how to reach Waerebo. The 3-hour trekking uphill through the rain forest was tough for a weakling like me.
At 6 pm, we were welcomed by an elder of Wae Rebo Village, warm one that charmed me to the fullest. "Once you are here, you are no longer people from Jakarta or Surabaya or anywhere else. But you are the people of Wae Rebo until you leave this place."
At night before the dinner time, I encouraged myself to take a bath with cold mountain water. Surprisingly, I didn't feel cold, it was so fresh instead!
Day 3:
After getting caught up in the mesmerizing moment of capturing sunrise at Wae Rebo before hiking down the trail, we headed to Desa Bena for a splendid view of megalithic village in Ngada district, 16km from Bajawa at the foot of Mount Inerie. Luckily, we came at the same time of a ceremony when animals (buffalos and pigs) were sacrificed by men of the village to be then cooked and shared all in a big feast. Before that, we stopped by the spider web rice fields in Cancar.
In the afternoon, we got soaked at Malanage Hot Spring, a natural hot spring not too far from Bena Village.
Day 4: At around 3.45 am, we left the guesthouse at Desa Moni, a small village about 50km east of Ende, for Kelimutu, a three-colored crater lakes. No long trekking needed to reach the summit after an 1-hour drive, just a 30-minute normal walk. Make sure to get some money with you because you may find some sellers with nice yarn-dyed hand-woven fabrics that are familiarly called "tenun ikat" around the parking area. I got some scarves and a sarong with nice price. Day 5: Leaving Ende early in the morning with first flight of Wings Air to Jakarta through Denpasar.
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